Organizing Your Life

How Senior Moving Services Can Help You

by Leon Richards

If you're a senior citizen, moving to a new home can be extra difficult, and there are moving companies who are equipped to help you through the entire process. They'll make sure everything is done correctly and minimize your stress throughout the move. 

Here are some of the ways senior moving services can help you:

Help with Downsizing

If you're moving to a smaller home, you will need to downsize your belongings. A senior moving company will help you sell or donate everything you won't bring with you. If there's anything left over that you want to dispose of, they'll help you with that as well.


One of the hardest parts about moving is packing all of your belongings to bring to your new home. You have to organize everything in an efficient way, label boxes, etc. A moving company will help you pack everything up without you lifting a finger, using their proven techniques that will make unloading at the new home much easier. 


Once the movers pack everything on the moving truck, there will likely be a mess left behind. The moving company will clean your old home, which will help with selling it if you own it, or help you avoid any cleaning fees from your landlord if you rent.

Furniture Disassembling

It can be hard for seniors to disassemble their furniture for a move. Senior moving services often include the disassembling of furniture, as well as reassembling the pieces at your new home. You won't have to worry about bending down to take pieces apart, using hand tools, packing the heavy pieces, etc.  


Many seniors don't drive and will need to find transportation to their new homes. A senior moving company will provide transportation for you so you don't have to worry about it. They'll make sure that you and all of your belongings arrive safely at your new place without you needing to do anything yourself. 

Work with Retirement Communities

Many seniors eventually move to retirement communities. If you're moving into one, the senior moving company will work with them to coordinate the move and make sure everything goes smoothly. 

Setting Up Technology

When you arrive at your new home, you'll need to set up your phone, internet, etc., and you might not know how to do it. A senior moving company will help set everything up for you so you don't have to worry about it. That way, you'll be able to use your electronics right away.

For more about moving services, contact a local company, like Modern Moving.
